
    Reputation Builder™


  • Create traction.

    "The reputation program has been profound for our business. Nothing we've done before in this area has had the same traction and impact, from Board level right across the organisation. We've now started on the implementation phase of the journey and I'm thrilled with the work we are doing."


    Dean Anderson, CEO, Leading Teams Australia  


  • Uncover perceptions.

    Your reputation is built internally long before it is perceived externally.


    Reputation Builder™ is a program of work to build a higher reputation intentionally, with the purpose of creating long-term value.


    In the first phase of the program, we:


    1. Understand your clients' current perceptions

    2. Develop the vision for your future reputation

    3. Determine actions, opportunities, and risks in making that vision a reality in your market.

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  • The Program.

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    Research and assess  

    Know how your company is currently positioned and perceived in all dimensions of your reputation and brand, in the context of your industry and key competitors.

    Weeks 1 - 2

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    Expectations and drivers 

    Understand the perceptions of key clients, partners, and employees through a reputation lens. Our stakeholder interviews determine their expectations and value drivers.

    Weeks 3 - 8

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    Findings and actions  

    We combine all inputs to develop a strategy for your future reputation that includes feedback, positioning, messaging, and the high-level actions to implement.

    Weeks 9 - 14

  • Lead with vision.

    Reputation Builder™ helps you set a compelling reputation vision that elevates your leadership profile.


    Reputation strategy connects your decisions with your values, culture operational actions, brand promise, marketing, and service delivery for an integrated and effective approach.


    You own the vision. We help bring it to life.


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  • "Reputation is the single most important factor in value creation or destruction."

    Oxford Metrica